Restaurant Staff
Support for restaurant front and back of house.
Building a Restaurant Workforce
From large scale chains to locally owned and operated restaurants tied to hotel properties, we leverage out heritage in the hospitality industry to meet labor challenges help clients build success.
Positions We Fill:
How We Fill Restaurant Staff Positions
What Makes a Good Team
Safety and Compliance
HSS is a leader in working with restaurants to ensure that the teams of workers that we provide are compliant with state and federal laws. From safety to work-status, we know that a lot is on the line for our clients and the powerful brand names that they represent. Our partnerships ensure that the hotel housekeepers we provide meet with the highest standards in compliance.
Options for Staffing Restaurants
HSS offers different ways of working to fill our clients’ needs. Depending on positions, the needs of your organization, and finances, temporary staffing or direct hire might be the right choice for you.
Contract Staffing
Direct Hire
Searching For Restaurant Jobs?
We’re always hiring for food & beverage jobs. You can register with us, stop by one of our branch offices for an interview, and begin working shortly afterward. Whether you’re looking for part-time work or full-time hours, we can help facilitate your needs.