News / Hospitality Staffing, News

Getting Back To Work: HSS Now Offers Part-Time Staffing

HSS Now Offers Part-Time Staffing

As hotels and resorts begin to see increasing occupancy, they can face challenges in staffing for part-time work. Lower occupancy levels and different cleaning protocols often mean that staff may not be needed on a full-time basis.
HSS is working with properties to provide staff on a part-time basis as occupancy levels are in this growth period. This will allow hotels to remain flexible during the recovery period.


Opening Staffing to New Properties

Staffing partnership is an efficient model as hotels beginning to see increased occupancy. Based on past periods of recovery, staffing has been used to address challenges such as:

  • Decrease in HR / Recruiting support
  • Laid off staff that can’t be rehired
  • Inability to add to payroll
  • Increased need for flexibility in hours

An HSS Solution

HSS is working with properties during the recovery period to meet these challenges through:

  • Part-time Staff
  • 50 State Recruiting
  • Task Force
  • Direct Hire

During the COVID-19 crisis, we were able to deploy our workforce to a variety of operations that required enhanced cleaning to stay up and running. Many of these positions are part-time, allowing HSS to combine employment opportunities with hotels as they rise from the crisis and begin to build occupancy.

Robust Recruiting

HSS continues its national recruiting operations, which is rapidly building our database of employees. This will allow HSS to work with hotels as they build occupancy and offer full-time employees today and into the future.

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